Is there a single success formula? Can it be that simple? In reality, yes, it can and it is. And every time I’m asked to define success, in any area of life, my answer is always the same because 2+2=4. Ask yourself this: Are you...
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3 Things on a Man That Women Find Simply Irresistible
And you can have all 3, meaning that no women would be capable of ignoring you. Of course, one prerequisite of the entire deal is to avoid acting like an asshole or a little insecure boy who tells jokes every time he’s distressed...
Why Women Get Turned On When They See the Pile of Money
$100 says that 90% of them won’t admit it. But the fact remains: as soon as you place a large sum of green bills in front of her eyes, she’ll get all wet. And she can’t help it. One look in her eyes at that moment (no matter how...
3 Neat Tricks to Regain Lost Confidence in a Snap (TEDxTalk Video Inside)
When your expressions are not validated by your closest social environment, you’re falling into the state of acute depression. That translates into the extremely low level of self-confidence. If you allow too much time to pass by...
To Make More Money You Need These 4 Things
Whether you’re just bidding for some high-paying job post or trying to set up your own company, there are 4 things you need to clearly demonstrate in order to make more money. This comes from analyzing thousands of high-end CEO’s...
5 Overlooked Causes of Low Libido Connected to Low Testosterone Levels
And these are, in fact, overlooked situations where you’re unwittingly reducing the level of testosterone — the main sex drive — and ending up apologizing because “that has never happened before.” In other words, you...
One Controversial and “Forbidden” Habit Essential for Success
Get up at the same time every morning, organize your day, think fast and in advance, take care of your body and spirit, learn more, be innovative, develop the problem-solving mind, understand money and what it truly is...
Brutally Deflowered by Two Guys, Enjoying Every Moment of it
“Who’s the new guy?” Tabitha asked, her face joining mine at the window. Tabitha was my best friend and confidant; after seeing a moving truck out front we decided to spy on the new tenant – particularly after seeing a strong...
Do These 5 Things to Turn Fail into Motivator (DRIVE)
Fail has a deep negative biological effect on our well-being and level of self-confidence. However, once we learn how to turn a fail into a motivator, the story takes a surprising twist. A positive change occurs after we start...
Women Share 7 Sure Tips For Best Oral Stimulation
This cunnilingus guide is a result of interviewing 45 different women from 30 to 45 years of age. All married. All with kids. All in long-term relationships. You should, therefore, spend a few minutes of your time and hear their...