And it’s about goddamn time we set the records straight and start doing things properly. Our weakness for cunt is coming to collect boys, and it has shark’s teeth. There’s this thing we have witnessed lately. Disturbing new...
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The Mistress, The Hooker, The Wife – Which One Despises Sex With You More?
If you imagine the entire thing on some scale, how would you rate which among these three women: Hates having sex with you Is pretty much indifferent Is having a blast every time you grab that sweet ass As you’ll see, it’s...
Every Man’s (Missing) Key to Happiness
In 2006, our species witnessed a unique shift. For the first time ever, more humans were living in cities than in villages. It became a hype to be the “Man, ver. 2.0,” or to get up in 5, 6 or 7 am, take a shower, have a...
What’s The Meaning of LIFE?
Are you pursuing for the answer to the meaning of life like many others? Having difficulties recognizing the purpose of your core existence? The answer is simpler than you think right now. The usual nonsense Do you spend time...
6 Catastrophic Consequences of Sex Deprivation
You exist just because it’s possible to make another one! That says everything about the underlying importance of regular sex activities. And no, it shouldn’t be a “normal thing” to have sex only once a month after the kids are...
How Your In-Shower Rituals Can Tell Who You Are.
What you’re washing first, determines your character There are lots of cues people are unconsciously using upon which you can judge someone’s intelligence, level of narrow or open-mindedness and the overall character. You just...
4 Goals Every Business Man Should Have
Whether you’ve launched your own firm or you’re trying to climb your way to the top of your company – you’re never going to be the best you can be without goals. That’s because goals help us break down huge tasks (“I want to earn...
The Power of THOUGHT
Consciousness is the sum of all events happened to that moment in time. With every passing moment, your mind (brain) physically changes. That’s who you are. And all because of the THOUGHT! What you think, is what will happen...
7 Mind Hacks Transforming Poor into Rich
As you will see, change just the 7 ways of thinking about things in your everyday life and you’ll start moving from poor to rich immediately. Your brain will change the perception of the environment and start building memory...
SEX – The Only Game Where You Win by Losing
And you don’t have to be carved as some fitness maniac. It’s completely irrelevant whether you’re fit and slim or a fat ass that can hardly tie the shoelaces. To confuse you even more, we’ll tell you this: in this particular...