Grow Your BALLZ

4 Goals Every Business Man Should Have

Goals - Ballz Magazine
Written by Ballz Magazine

Whether you’ve launched your own firm or you’re trying to climb your way to the top of your company – you’re never going to be the best you can be without goals. That’s because goals help us break down huge tasks (“I want to earn a million dollars”) into smaller, more actionable steps. Using the example above, regarding your pay scale; instead of having one generic goal, take a few moments to break down your idea into smaller, achievable steps. They can be as simple as finding a new profession or as intense as earning that $10,000 bonus at work. To help you plan, here’s a few goals to set this year:

  • Have a professional goal

Saying you’d like to be at the top isn’t just generic, it’s virtually unattainable. That’s because there’s nothing specific about it – which means you can’t ever get there. Take a few minutes and consider the position you’d like to be. How do you get there? Do you need any additional schooling? Make a plan to get to the new career you want and start working towards the first step. If you aren’t sure of the first step, research the goal and everything you need to make it happen. Much like a generic goal isn’t going to help, breaking down a goal that doesn’t

  • Determine your relationship goal

Even if you don’t want to be in a relationship, having a general idea of where you’d like to be within six months (still single? Dating? Engaged?) is a fantastic first step in your professional future. While it might seem counterintuitive to plan out your romantic life, having a general idea can help you subconsciously plan what you’re looking for. If you don’t know where you want to be in a year or so, don’t get caught up in the little details. If you’re open to finding someone but don’t want to actively go looking for a partner, that’s okay too. The idea here is to simply plan.

  • Financial goals

Are you hoping to purchase a new home? Maybe you’d like to establish a decent retirement income? Either way, take a few moments to think about your future. Consider what major purchases you’re going to be making in the next couple of years and how you’re planning on paying for those items. A safety net can help any successful man become more independent and confident – especially when money is the main reason couples split.


  • Personal goals

Maybe you have wanted to lose a few pounds or maybe you’d like to run a marathon this year – whatever your personal goal is, needs to be written down to be effective. Much like the professional goal, your personal goal is something that needs actionable steps – or it doesn’t work well. Take the time to set the main goal you’d like for yourself and then break it down into smaller sections. For instance, if you’d like to lose 50 kilos, break it down into smaller, more achievable sections. – like 2-3 kilos a month.


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Ballz Magazine