Well, obviously being a pussy won’t get you anywhere. Being a decent and “good” guy will get you some decent job paid on fixed hourly rate and bunch of women to talk to but none to score with. In other words, if you are about to reign supreme, you have to become a wolf. There is no other way around.
And here’s why.
It all boils down to violence and aggression. Is mine greater than yours? Can I get you?
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to become a prick nobody likes or some sociopath. You have to become someone who stands his ground and not taking shit from anybody. At the same time, your moral boundaries need to loosen drastically. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
What’s the point?
If you like where you are and what you are right now then this is not for you. On the other hand, it is remarkable that you are, in fact, reading this. That means that you are not so freakin’ thrilled being a conveyor bay worker or a security guard in some shopping mall. Either way, this is a good lesson to deal with the annoying neighbor if nothing else, so keep reading it anyway.
What separates an ordinary man from the extraordinary one is the sharpness of his killer instincts. We all have that knife but some of us are making sure that ours is always sharp and ready to cut.
What that has to do with the moral boundaries?
If you are concerned about other people’s feelings to that extent that it will prevent you in seizing the opportunity when you spot one that means that your moral boundaries are high thus; your killer instincts are low. Translated into success – you will fail to reach the heights of anything and your current lifestyle and status confirm that claim.
What’s the simplest way to recognize someone with loose moral boundaries?
He smiles a lot but ONLY when he finds it amusing. He is not pretending that your joke is funny just to avoid hurting your feelings (a good guy’s trait). He will tell you that your joke sucks, turn around and leave.
Why is he going to do that?
Because you are wasting his time and he’s got better things to do with it. Heck, it’s better to stare at the wall than to force yourself to listen to some stupid demagogy or jokes.
Where that leaves you?
You’re immediately realizing that you cannot fuck with this person. He’ll see right through you and call you on that.
Does that make him a ruthless motherfucker? To some extent, yes.
By the way, do you see how little it takes to show some ballz?
It’s the same with the annoying neighbor who is always using that bitchy strategy: he asks you to keep away your dog from his lawn or that your trash bin is too close to his property. On top of everything, he’s bitching with the smile on his face. And like a fucking moron, you always comply with that same stupid smile on your face. Why?
Now, don’t take this the wrong way. We are not saying that you should be an asshole but there are limits.
You see, people are like dogs and babies: they’re always pushing the limits to see how far they can go.
For instance, neighbor’s demands are becoming more frequent or more severe thus; he behaves like a dog or a baby.
It will lead to the breaking point and that doesn’t end well.
A ruthless motherfucker would react on his first demand or some similar bullshit.
“Mike, you dropped a piece of paper last night when you were taking out the trash. Could you be more careful next time? After all, we are all living here in this building.”
The guy turns around, looks him directly in the eyes and says: “It’s Mr. Anderson to you.” And then he just leaves.
No extra bullshit, no yelling, no discussion. That prick will collect that shitty piece of paper and hold his goddamn mouth shut once and for all.
Mr. Anderson’s violence and aggression are clearly greater so no use to disturb the hive, right? It’s the same in every aspect of the life and especially in business domains. Simply put, say less, mean more.