One characteristic of real men with with ballz is that they accept responsibility no matter what happens. A little wimp will come up with a thousand excuses on why everything is going wrong, and will whine and cry about it, and...
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How to handle rejection
How to overcome fear and achieve the success we desire. The dictionary defines fear as “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.” Most of...
The Science of Success
Keys to achieving what we want. Success is defined in the dictionary as “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” We all have varying aims and purposes, so success can mean something different to two different people. And as one...
Rising Above Emotion
Napoleon Hill wrote “lack of self control has brought grief to more people than any other shortcoming known to the human race.” Wow, thats powerful. Is it true? Have you ever experienced a time where you could have more...
Power of Beliefs
We have to understand the tremendous power of belief. Most all self-improvement systems teach that you must have strong belief in order to have success. Indeed, all success rests on the principle of belief, and to be a man means...
The Top 10 Traits Of The Alpha Male
Are you alpha? Do you have the traits of an alpha male? The term alpha has become some sort of popular internet catchphrase as of late. But what is an alpha male? We all want to be one, that’s...
How To Reclaim Your Manhood And Rapidly Cultivate Masculine Energy
When we feel masculine and embrace the full power of our manliness, life is better. We don’t get stuck in our heads anxiously thinking and endlessly worrying about our career, health, and relationships, to the point that we begin...
Jumpstart your charisma
Charisma is crucial to all your relationships, professional and personal alike. It’s what makes you likable. Makes people want to be around you. And it’s what encourages people to help and support you. If you want people to...