Sex Stories

“I’ve Been a Bad Girl” [Stepmother-Stepdaughter] [BDSM]

sex story-I've been a bad girl stepmother-stepdaughter bdsm
Written by Ballz Magazine

I watched as my new stepmom walked into her bedroom, her loose housecoat sitting a little too low on the front of her tight, perky tits. While I would never outwardly admit it, her body was incredible. She reappeared again briefly before grabbing a towel from the laundry basket. Watching her bend down and seeing her naked body exposed beneath the fluffy fabric sent tingles throughout my body. She turned quickly, pushing her jet black hair over her shoulder before walking toward the bathroom.

“Cindy, I’m having a shower – it’s unlocked if you need to use the bathroom.” Her voice was lower and slightly raspy. I tried to ignore the thoughts of my step-mom running hot water and slick soap over her incredible body.

I followed her into the bathroom, partially because I had to brush my teeth; mainly because I wanted to take a peek to see if she was as beautiful naked as I had imagined. I knocked lightly, pushing the door open and poking my head in the door.

“Mama Jules?” I asked, my voice wavering slightly. She opened the curtain slightly and smiled at me. She loved when I called her Mama Jules. While her and my dad had only been together for a few months, they were quick to get married. I thought back to the wedding, how spontaneous it was and how beautiful Jules looked in her ivory gown. It was only two days after my eighteenth birthday and my dad had said it was the beginning of a new chapter for everyone.

“Yes, Cindy?” She replied, her hair dripping from the hot, steamy water. She had pulled the curtain back further now, exposing the sudsy bubbles now dripping down her breasts. I felt a jolt of excitement as my eyes gazed down to follow the bubbles over the circular mounds. I could feel my cheeks heat up at the thoughts running through my head.

“Sorry,” I stammered, my eyes still focused on her sweet, puffy nipples. “I just… I had to brush my teeth. I know daddy doesn’t like it when I let my teeth rot.” I walked quickly over to the sink and reached for my toothbrush. I hastily added a thick glob of white paste and scrubbed intently.

“It is okay baby, you know I don’t mind if you’re in here while I am.” She moved her body back under the water, away from my prying eyes. My heart beat faster as I imagined joining her in the shower, rubbing my hands along her wet, dripping body.

Quickly, I returned the toothbrush to the holder and left the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I needed to get a grip on the wetness between my legs. After all, what if Jules had of seen the moistened lips through my underwear—I grabbed a pair of jeans from the basket and put them on as I walked down the stairs to our living room.

I lay back on the couch and grabbed the remote from our coffee table; flipping aimlessly through the channels. I needed something to distract me from the image of Jules in the shower upstairs. I stopped as I saw Miley Cyrus swinging around naked on the wrecking ball, my mind tripping back to Jules upstairs in the shower. It was hard to not think about her perfect body, imagining how sweet she would taste.

I tried to resist the urge to let my imagination take over, but soon found my hand cupped over my small size B cup bra. My fingers fumbled carelessly over the tight fabric, forming little tents underneath the material as my nipples hardened at the touch. I lowered them down, my eyes fixing on Miley Cyrus’ curves – imagining she was not some singer, but my beautiful stepmother. My hands lowered to my jean button, quickly undoing the tightness with my finger and thumb as I pulled frantically.

My jeans gathered lower around my ankles, my pink underwear starting to moisten as my hands rubbed gently against the smooth fabric. I needed to get off now. I couldn’t shake the image from my head; the soap, the water and wetness.

I traced my fingers against the elastic band, my hands sliding underneath and finding their way between my wet folds. I rubbed against my sweet pearl as shudders of pleasure overcame me. I slid my fingers lower, finding my wet hole and plunged them in deeply. A soft moan escaped my mouth as I started to forget about the shower upstairs.

My free hand reached up against the tight material and pulled quickly at it; my breasts spilling out freely. I glanced down at the soft pink nubs, rubbing them gently between my fingers. Another moan as my breath quickened.

“Cindy? What in God’s name do you think you’re doing?” My head quickly snapped back, to see my stepmother standing in the doorway. She was dressed in a tight tank top and boxer shorts, her dark hair moistening the shirt. She looked sexy as hell standing there, her arms crossed over her chest in disapproval.

Her eyes were fixated on my underwear, my hands now frozen in time – unable to move them away. My heart started to quicken with thoughts of my dad finding out that his princess was laying naked on the couch running through my mind intently. He would be absolutely disgusted with me, I realized. My cheeks reddened with embarrassment at being caught.

What if she tells my dad? I wondered, deciding that I should pull my pants back up to the proper position. I reached lower to pull up at the fabric but was met with another barking order from Jules.

“No. You can’t just pretend this didn’t happen, Cindy… Pulling your pants up isn’t going to erase this image from my mind.”  She walked towards me slowly, grabbing the jeans from my grasp and pulled them down off my ankles and tossed them into a heap on the floor. My eyes widened as the fabric hit the floor loudly.

She was going to tell my dad. I was going to get into SO much trouble and there was nothing I was able to do about it. My hands pushed my body back up into a sitting position, my mouth puckering slightly as she approached my face. I could see her studying me carefully; her body was arched back stiff.

“You’ve been a bad girl Cindy. I can’t believe you would just sit here like a dirty, nasty girl and just touch yourself on the couch. We paid for that couch…” Her hand grabbed mine – cool and collected.

Her hand pulled at my wrist tightly, leading me off the couch. I was stuck in awe as she aggressively pulled my arm and led me to the stairs. My body trembled lightly as I considered my dad finding out what I had done, how angry he would be if he knew.

“Walk up those stairs, missy.” She instructed her body standing closely behind me. I could feel her tight body against my underwear and against my tight t-shirt. I could feel her nipples grazing against my back, sending chills down my spine.

She pushed against me up the stairs, resting her hand on my lower back as we walked, continuing to navigate me toward the bedroom. She was going to call my dad while I was in my room, I considered, thinking of how I was going to admit this to my father without sounding like the dirty girl I truly was.

Jules led me to the bed and quickly sat on the bed, staring at me as I looked at her. Embarrassed, I put my head down and looked at my toes. My body was cowering slightly as she continued to stare at my body – taking notice of the damp fabric between my legs.

“You were a bad girl Cindy – I really should tell your father.” Jules considered me a moment, before continuing on. “However, I believe it’s my job as your stepmother to make sure that you behave as well.”

She pulled my body toward her, staring at my breasts a moment before turning me around. Her hand trailed over my lower back and reached my underwear lightly. She skimmed her hand over my large butt cheek before grabbing at the elastic quickly.

I held my breath a moment, unsure of what was going to happen next. With a swift moment, she had pulled my underwear to my knees, exposing my thick, plump ass. My body stiffened slightly, as the cool air hit my cheeks.

“You need to be punished.” She purred her voice a hushed whisper. With a quick motion, she pulled my body over her legs, pushing my head down over the side. My body shook with anticipation as I started to protest.

“You can’t ‘punish’ me! I’m 18 years old!” I beckoned, my voice wavering slightly as my embarrassment took over. She couldn’t be serious – I was a grown adult. I watched as Jules smiled down at me, her teeth clenched together in a grimace. Her deep brown eyes shown against her smooth olive skin I noticed, as I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.

“You can’t be serious?” I pleaded, my voice continuing to shake as I tried to come to terms with what was going to happen. She wouldn’t seriously spank me – not with my father coming home shortly. He wouldn’t like to know that my step-mother had put her hands on me like this.

I watched as her hand rose up above her head, her eyes focused on my smooth, tight skin. She came down hard and quick with a resounding *SMACK*, my body shuddered as I cried out in pain. I could feel the sting burning off my skin as she raised her hand again, her second hand securely holding my chest against her legs.


Three hard smacks came down on my now reddening ass cheek. I let out another cry as the stings felt more intense. I blinked quickly to push back the tears from my eyes. I felt her hand gently caress and rub the sore area with her soft gentle hands, feeling my lips starting to tingle in enjoyment.


Another quick hard smack came down against my skin again, hitting a little harder this time. I felt the wavering electricity shoot between my legs, sending tingles against my sweet pearl. Her hand rubbed against my red, raised skin – rubbing her finger along the pink outline of the welt. Her finger trailed along the crack of my ass, pressing into the crease as my body pushed against her tiny digit.

“Cindy, you’re being very, very bad.” She hissed, continuing to run her finger down my crease until it rested over my tightly puckered ass. Gently, she pressed her finger against it as the second hand smacked down. *SMACK*

I could feel my juices starting to flow as another intense ripple shot through my body. Her eyes focused on my back, running her fingers underneath the back of my bra strap. With expert moves, she snapped the backing of my bra and unhooked the top clasp.

“What are you doing?” I asked, pressing my ass against her gently massaging fingers. I could feel the wetness seeping to my bare outer lips, begging to escape. I obediently lay over her smooth legs, taking notice of the tight boxers against her thighs. My eyes glanced over my shoulder, between her fitted underwear at the shapely lips pushing against the fabric. I swore I could see a small wet patch starting to form.

“I’m teaching you what happens to bad girls Cindy. Bad girls don’t get to wear bras. Bad girls are dirty whores…” she unclasped the final snap of my bra sending the fabric falling over my sides and bunching together beneath me. My breasts rested gently against her smooth skin as she pulled the bra out from under me.


Another hard smack came down on my back side, this time sharper than before. I moaned slightly as the tears formed. I was becoming more and more aroused at the spanking, despite every desire to hide my face and let the tears flow.

“What do you have to say for yourself?” Jules demanded, her hand pushing lower on my crease, seconds away from my sweet, wet hole. I moaned out loud again, my hips arching up to meet her hand.


“I said… what do you have to say? Good girls don’t try to finger fuck, Cindy… Good girls do as they’re told.” I paused a moment, panting as her finger slipped a little closer to my hole, tracing around the edges of my lips and caressing the edges of my most sensitive area.

“I’m sorry…” I pleaded, feeling my nipples harden against her smooth skin. Her second hand trailed around, resting against my shoulder a moment. Slowly it lowered down across my side and slipped underneath my aching rib cage against the side of my breast.

Another moan escaped my body as she continued to rub over my side, pushing against the sensitive skin. Her finger ran along the side of my lips again, this time rubbing slightly along the inside of the lips, feeling my wetness without touching anything that was aching to be touched.

A quick swat against my swollen lips sent my body shaking with excitement. She tapped my pussy gently sending ripples coursing through my veins. I could feel my juices growing with every tap; my body was practically begging to be touched.

“Sorry, WHAT?” she demanded again, this time reaching her hand underneath the side of my tit and moving slowly toward my nipple.

“I’m sorry Mommy Jules” I panted, my body tense and alert to every touch.

“Good.” She said, taking her hand away from my tight, aching pussy. She started to stand, pushing my body off of her own, sending me to my knees. I watched as she expertly grabbed my hand and moved my body on to the bed, knowingly.

“Lay down.” She barked, walking toward the dresser on my father’s side of the bed. I obediently listened; unaware of what she was pulling out. I frowned as I saw the black silk tie come in to view.

What the hell was she going to do with that? I pondered as my eyes focused on her tight curves again. I couldn’t help but stare at her beauty. I watched as her tits bounced slightly under her shirt, noticing she wasn’t wearing a bra after having had her shower. I wondered if she did that on purpose.

“What are you looking at?” She asked, her hands skimming under her shirt and lifting it over her head. I watched as her incredible tits came into full view, a perfect C cup bouncing gently. Her nipples were a light pink color, slightly puffy and swollen. I licked my lips gently, imagining how sweet they would taste.

“You” I answered cautiously. I couldn’t have her telling daddy about my naughty behavior. I needed to make sure that she wasn’t going to tell him, but she was so fucking sexy.

“I saw you staring at my tits earlier Cindy… when I was in the shower. So, I needed to see yours – to keep things fair, of course” she said, now standing over the bed, glancing at my nipples. My underwear was still around my knees, exposing my bare pussy to her prying eyes. She stopped for a moment and glanced down at the damp, glistening mess she had created.

“Why were you staring at me, Cindy? Do you like what you see?” she asked, raising her hands up to her own breasts, cupping them firmly before letting them fall again. I nodded carefully, unable to make any noise. She smiled lightly as she grabbed my hand and placed it above my head.

I could feel the silk fabric wrapping around my wrist snuggly before and watched as she tied it gently to the headboard above my head. She grabbed the second hand and secured it tightly as well, ensuring both of my hands were unable to move.

I felt my breathing increase as my heart started to pound. She moved slowly to the foot of the bed and reached for my underwear, still bunched at my knees and pulled them softly. They trailed down my feet and on to the floor.

She kneeled on the bed with her body straddling over mine and started crawling toward me, letting her hair tickle over my body as she moved up toward my face. I watched her body move along me, staring at her tits which sat slightly above my heaving body. As she approached my breasts, her perfect tits lowered slightly rubbing against my own swollen nubs as she stopped.

“Do you know what happens to bad girls Cindy?” she asked, moving her mouth closer to mine. I could smell the sweet toothpaste smell on her breath and the mint tickled my nose slightly. I couldn’t breathe properly; my heart was pounding out of my chest. I shook my head no, waiting for an answer I could practically beg for.

Her mouth lowered knowingly against mine, kissing me intensely. I sighed as my mouth opened for her waiting tongue, she plunged deeper against my body, licking and caressing my tongue with her own. Jules moved her hands downward toward my waiting breasts, her hand cupping my breast entirely and massaging it gently.

I moaned loudly as my hardened against her smooth hands. Her fingers found my nipple quickly and began twirling and twisting it between her index and thumb fingers. With a quick pinch, she released my nipple and moved on to the next one.

Again she grabbed my breast tightly, squeezing it between her thin fingers. Her fingers traced around my areola and pinched at the swollen nub intently. She continued to trail her fingers against it until ripples of pleasure were shooting through me. She kissed me a moment longer before starting to make her way down my neck.

I felt her warm breath against my slick skin, feeling every nip of her teeth as she went. She nipped gently at my earlobe before moving her mouth down to my chest. My back arched knowingly, unable to stop myself. I felt her mouth clamp down on my nipple greedily, before flicking her tongue against my light pink nipple quickly. Her pace slowed slightly as she circled my nipple in her mouth.

She moved over to the other side, biting gently on the hardened nub. A cry of ecstasy escaped my lips, my body unable to move away from her greedy mouth. She continued to suck on my nipple repeatedly, releasing me before taking a large mouthful of my breast into her mouth and kissing it intently.

My pussy ached in anticipation, dripping sweet juices between my lips and pooling on to the comforter below. Slowly her fingers lowered down, trailing against my belly button before resting above my slit again. My body quivered, still sore from the spanking, but more alive than I have ever felt before.

“Mommy Jules” I cried out, my voice practically begging now. I couldn’t have stopped myself if I tried, I needed to feel her mouth against my aching pearl, and I needed to feel her licking up my juices.

Her fingers trailed over the front of my slit slightly sending a warm, blazing heat between my legs. Another moan purred out of my lips before I could stop it. I looked down to see her hovering over my inexperienced pussy.

“Mommy Jules, I’ve never done any of this before” I cried out, hoping that she wouldn’t stop after hearing my confession. She paused a moment considering what I had just told her. Her fingers rested gently against my slit, sliding up and down- teasing me gently.

“Good” Jules answered, lowering her mouth over the top of my slit and kissing it gently. She quickly darted her tongue between the slit, licking at the juices that were flowing throughout. I watched as she pulled my legs apart, pushing each leg over the edge of the bed, spreading my lips apart.

“That is a beautiful pussy, Cindy.” She proclaimed, licking her lips as she glanced down at the tight pink hole encompassed by my wet pink lips. I could feel her breath on my swollen clit, now poking out anxiously.

She carefully licked the outer edges of my lips carefully, teasing my body further as her hands reached up and squeezed my nipples again. I felt my body clench against her grasp and send shocks throughout my body. Her hands returned to my hips as she lowered her tongue again, flicking gently against the dripping hole. She lapped at the juices quickly, letting it drip down her lip slightly.

Again, she plunged her tongue against my slit, pressing firmly against it with her tongue before circling it and pushing it into my tight hole. I screamed out in pleasure, unable to contain my excitement. Her fingers lowered and spread my lips apart further before circling over my clit lightly.

Another shot of static electricity shot throughout my body.

“Oh my God Mommy” I cried out, my body tensing every muscle in enjoyment. Her tongue flicked out again, circling up against my clit expertly, light and gently licks changed out with expert circling. My body tightened further.

She cupped her lips firmly over my sweet pearl, sucking gently against the sensitive nub. While continuing to suck gently, her tongue pressed against it sending waves of pleasure through my body again.

“Mommy Jules… I think…” I started my body unable to contain the waves of pleasure. Her finger lowered down, and thrust deeply into my tight hole again. Another moan escaped my lips. Her tongue continued to flick over my swollen clit as her finger curled up against my G-spot. My breathing was closer to a pant now, my eyes closing as the waves were overcoming me.

Faster and faster she thrust her fingers into me, switching one finger out for two fingers. I cried out as the second finger stretched my pussy further. Jules pressed deeper into me, until my body was wrapped tightly around her slender fingers. She paused a brief moment swirling her fingers inside my tightness, feeling the wetness and enjoying the sensation.

I waited another moment in a baited breath before feeling her fingers beginning to thrust in and out of my body again. Faster and faster she pushed until the moans that escaped my mouth were just shy of screams.

My body erupted in a fit of convulsions, my head began spinning. Every muscle twitched as I began to cum for my beautiful stepmother. I felt my juices flowing again, over her fingers and on to her waiting tongue as my body continued to shake. She sucked briefly at her fingers and my hole, catching it with her mouth before stopping a moment to catch her breath.

I panted feverishly, my body trying to relax from the intense spasms. I tried to wrap my head around what had just happened. I considered that my sexy step-mother was sitting waiting between my legs, her head rising slightly to meet my glazed eyes.

I wasn’t sure what was going to happen with Jules in the future, but I knew what was going to happen right now; I was going to convince Jules to remove the straps around my wrists and let me return the favor.

About the author

Ballz Magazine