Sex Stories

Teen Neighbor Begged Me to Ram Her Virgin Pussy and Cum Inside of Her

sexy story
Written by Ballz Magazine

I didn’t even like the damn dog my wife so fucking adored. But little did I knew that the fury mutt will suddenly turn into a valuable asset.

One Saturday morning, I was walking to the local store. On my way there, I bumped into the sexiest girl I ever saw. She was walking four small dogs and one of them almost bit me.

But I couldn’t care less about that. My focus was on something else – that sweet young ass, walking away after apologizing.

The inquiry led to the plan

Few talks with the neighbors and I found out that the girl was a part-time dog walker/handler. Finally a purpose for that mutt that’s been sleeping on my sofa. But the best part was that she’s living only a block away. Probably one of those kids that were running around screaming and wreaking havoc on the neighborhood. Now they all grew up.

Three days later, I managed to get her number to make the arrangement. I didn’t want to knock on her door because I knew her father. I wanted to deal with her directly.

I offered an extremely lucrative pay for that simple job, making sure that she just can’t refuse the offer.

She apparently just turned 18. $25 per hour for walking a dog 2 times per day and additional bonuses if she can teach the damn mutt some cool stuff. It was a great deal for her.

A week later, when she came to pick up the dog, I invited her in for some refreshment. My wife was at work so this was a great opportunity to check the odds.

“You want a drink?” I asked. I glanced over at Stacey who was standing nervously against the door. She shook her head feverishly before trying to clear her throat.

“No, thank you.” She stammered, her voice wavering as she spoke.

Stacey just stood frozen against the door. She was the sexiest dog walker I’ve ever seen, without a doubt. I cleared my throat and glanced down at some papers in front of me, trying not to focus on the killer body she was trying to hide.

“Stacey, is it?” I asked, motioning for the chair in front of me. She nodded again as she began walking toward the chair. I smiled at her as she walked, my eyes narrowing on the skirt that sat high up on her thighs. The tight fabric rose slightly as she moved, puckering against the thick muscles beneath – highlighting the slight gap between her legs that I couldn’t stop staring at.

She sat in the chair, moving her legs quickly to cross them, her skirt rising up slightly as she did. I tried to focus back on those papers looking briefly at the tight blue panties that were barely visible between the crack of her legs. She was obviously oblivious and I wasn’t going to tell her differently.

I felt my balls tighten as I let my eyes trail over her body again. She was slender and tall with lean legs that seemed to go on for days. She was definitely fit – as her waist curved in slightly at the hips. Her tits were on the larger side for her body – but definitely natural, as her shirt hugged tightly against them.

Her eyes were a deep green color with a hint of brown around the edges, large and innocent-looking. Stacey had a wide pouty lip that was tinted a deep red color. She bit her lip nervously as she sat waiting for my questions.

“Tell me, Stacey, for how long are you doing this?” I asked, my eyes watching her full lips – suddenly imagining how good they’d feel around my cock.

“Long enough, to tell you the truth. It started as a way to help my parents fund my studying at Denver State.” She answered, her eyes shifting nervously. “But, I decided to leave college and head out into the workforce before I finished. I love dogs so I continued handling them part-time.” I nodded as my glance trailed over her chest – hidden beneath a tight white top. I swore I could see the faint outline of her cleavage. I wondered if her bra matched the blue panties etched in my mind.

“Any reason you decided to leave?” I asked, trying to clear my mind of the dirty thoughts I was having.

“I…suddenly lost my funding. My parents told me one day that I had to pay for my own college – and that’s why I’m here…why I’ll walk your dogs.” She motioned her hands around my dining room – suggesting she was here for that reason.

“When did you leave college?” I asked, trying for any confirmation of her age. Her legs shifted again, parting momentarily, giving the perfect view of her blue panties again. I licked my lips at the sight, trying to contain the thickening bulge in my pants.

“I left three weeks ago,” she began, her hands grabbing at the thick blond curls as she spoke. Her eyes glanced up at mine, searching deep within for a reaction of sorts. I tried to avert my eyes and focus on something other than her stare.

She smiled largely, her hands fumbling momentarily with her curls before releasing them from the tangles.

My eyebrow arched slightly as my mouth dried at the thought of her sitting here on her eighteenth birthday. My eyes trailed down slightly, staring intently at her short skirt now sitting even higher – from the constant fidgeting. “So today’s your birthday?” I asked coolly, my eyes staying fixated on her long legs.

“It is, Mr. Jacobs.” She uncrossed her legs again, this time letting them rest open in front of me. I licked my lips, my eyes narrowing on the blue fabric once more.

“Well, what kind of skill set do you have other than whispering to dogs?” I asked, noticing the thick, fluffy lips pressing through the panties. I didn’t know if she knew I was staring, but I truly didn’t care anymore.

Her legs parted a little bit more at the question, showcasing the entire blue panties beneath her dark skirt. Her panties pressed into her slit slightly, highlighting the deep plunge of her pussy. The fabric appeared darker toward her ass – I suddenly wondered if she was wet.

* * *

“That’s the thing…” she purred, her hands slowly trailing over her legs, pushing down the seam of her skirt against her thighs as they ran down toward her knee. She paused momentarily with her hands resting on her knee before tracing them back up over her thighs again. Expertly, her hands slid under the skirt heading toward the blue panties beneath. “I don’t have any experience at all.”

“What—uh—what do you mean?” I stammered, fighting back the urge to undo my pants and rub one out. Her hands crept up higher even still – sitting just inches away from the thin fabric.

“I’ve never…” she began, her voice lowering entirely. “Done anything….Ever.” Her hand trailed over her panties briefly before pulling them back down her thigh.

“Nothing?” I asked, my mind thinking of her tight pussy – untouched and waiting to be deflowered over my desk. My eyes shot up to hers knowingly. She shook her head as her hands found their way over her waist, now heading toward the bottom of her shirt. Her finger played a moment under her shirt before lifting it slightly – exposing her silky, cream-colored skin beneath.

My cock grew even harder, practically begging to be touched. I shook my head momentarily, trying to regain my manners. Here was a sexy woman who wanted to make some money part-time and all I could do was think about shoving my cock into every hole she would let me.

“I would love to help you out, Stacey.“ I began, trying to finalize my thoughts before I did something I was going to regret. “I’d like to offer you a job as my personal assistant. You can start first thing tomorrow morning – if you want.”

Stacey’s eyes widened as her hand left the seam of her shirt. She squealed momentarily as her body shook up and down in excitement. My eyes glanced at the heaving mounds now jiggling in plain sight.

“Thank you, Mr. Jacobs! I don’t know what to say…how to thank you…” She stood up quickly and ran over to me – wrapping her arms tightly around my neck. Her tits pushed into my face. I moaned momentarily as she squeezed me harder. I tried to maintain my composure, knowing that if this continued any longer, I wouldn’t be able to control myself.

My cock throbbed at the thought of doing terrible things to her.

* * *

My face pressed into her tits as I sucked in the smell of her sweet perfume – trying to ignore the pulsing coming from my pants. I wrapped my hands around her back and hugged her briefly, before trying to continue on with her list of duties and requirements.

Obediently, she let go of my neck – stepping back to listen to what I had to say.

“You’ll start tomorrow morning at eight am. You’ll be required to report to my office first thing – I enjoy my coffee black with two sugar. Your job will consist of completing any tasks that are on the agenda; meetings, appointment tracking, email correspondence. You’ll also be required to follow up with any client relations that I require too.”

Stacey nodded eagerly, obviously excited about her new, totally unexpected position. I decided to test the waters slightly to see whether her pussy would be off-limits while she was working for me.

“Stacey, you understand that I’m your boss, right?”

“Of course, Mr. Jacobs. I’ll do whatever you need to make sure you’re happy with my performance.” Her eyes focused downward, staring knowingly at the bulge between my legs that I was no longer trying to hide.

“Stacey, for tax purposes, I need to see your identification. I’ll also need to see your driver’s license.” Stacey walked over toward the chair she was seated at and bent over to reach for her purse. I watched as she locked her knees – giving me a full view up the back of her skirt as she reached for her wallet.

I stared at the deep blue panties that plunged deep into her perfectly formed ass. I watched as she stepped out a little bit, giving me a better view than I originally had. I could see her thick lips suck in the fabric tightly, pushing against her full inner lips, the blue disappearing between two full, sculpted ass cheeks.

She rose slowly as her skirt stayed hiked above her hips as she moved. Her head snapped around quickly, catching my eyes on her ass intently. “Mr. Jacobs?” she asked, her body turning to face me again. My eyes stayed focused on the blue fabric that pressed tightly against her pussy—as she walked toward me, it was apparent that the entire area was silky smooth beneath the material.

I felt my lip curl upwards in a smile – my body aching desperately to rip the sheer fabric away from her pink flesh and ram my cock deep into her tight folds. She left the skirt above her hips as she handed me the two cards. My eyes glanced down briefly to look at the birth date written.

Oh my god, it’s actually her eighteenth birthday.

“Is this okay?” Stacey asked, her hands cupping at the small skirt that was now buckled around her hips. I sucked in my breath slightly as I felt my head nod – unable to look away from the blue fabric approaching my face. Her hands released the skirt a moment and trailed over the front of her mound, tracing over the sheer blue fabric.

“Mr. Jacobs, I hope I’m not being too inappropriate…” she purred, as she approached within inches of my face. I could smell the faint aroma of her juices beneath her panties as her hands continued to trail up and down her panties. I felt my head shake no, as if on auto-pilot.

My mind flipped through the different scenarios;

What if my wife walks in right now?

How would I be able to focus on my job with Stacey flouncing around in tight tops and skirts?

How can I turn down her advances when I obviously wanted her mouth around my cock?

I shifted my body back slightly, trying to give a bit more room between the two of us; trying to regain some control over of the situation that I was obviously losing. Her hands trailed over her panties again, this time resting over her sweet mound and pressed against the fabric tightly. I watched as her eyes locked over my bulge, which was practically pulsing at the thought of having my way with her – she smiled intently as her hands continued to paw at the thin fabric again.

“Jesus Christ, Stacey,” I began, my eyes fixed on her hands which were eagerly rubbing against the dampening slit. “I’m your boss.”

Her hands trailed over the top of her panties, her fingers slipping behind the fabric once more – sliding deep within the fabric, over her tight slit. Her teeth clamped down on her lower lip as the hands snaked their way down further.

“I know Mr. Jacobs…” she purred. “But I saw the way you looked at me when I walked in. I just couldn’t help myself.” Her back arched slightly pushing her perky tits against the tight fabric even further. I caught my breath and shifted, now visibly uncomfortable as my cock pressed against the zipper of my pants even further.

Stacey glanced down and smiled at my cock as her hand continued to toy with her slit beneath her panties. I couldn’t see what she was doing clearly – but my body ached to see more.

My eyes narrowed on Stacey’s panties again, watching as Stacey pulled eagerly at the fabric as it slid down her hips and over her knees. My eyes locked on the smooth mound that was eagerly waiting for me as she bent down to collect the fabric. Two perfectly shaped, thick lips glistened at me – teasingly suggesting the pink flesh beneath as she moved.

* * *

Stacey motioned for the chair that I was sitting on, her ass now perched perfectly on the desk, her legs now open and wide. I couldn’t see her pussy from where I was standing, but I could see her hands working feverishly between her legs.

I sat back down in my chair, my cock now thick and hard – waiting to be released from the cage of my pants. My face rested inches from her tight pussy, wet and slick from her juices. Her fingers spread her lips apart, displaying her deep pink pearl and fluffy inner lips just inches in front of my nose.

“Do you like what you see, Mr. Jacobs?” I licked my lips a moment, watching as her fingers pulled at the lips and kneaded them between her thumb and index finger. I nodded slowly, as the sweet smell of her pussy tickled at my nose. I desperately wanted to taste her – but I had to let her choose the pace.

My hands reached out and rested on her knees, squeezing them a moment as they moved up toward her sweet pearl. Stacey moaned slightly, her legs falling open even further. Her hands cupped mine and pulled them toward her stomach, sliding them under her shirt.

I took the opportunity to collect the shirt in my hands, watching Stacey’s stomach rise and fall as my fingers trailed over her body, exposing her smooth, silky skin beneath. I reached her tits and pulled the fabric over the light blue bra hiding her large swollen tits – eagerly trying to see the amazing mounds that were now heaving in anticipation.

The blue lace sat tightly against her body, giving just a hint at the darker pink nipples that were starting to swell and harden beneath.

“Holy shit, Stacey,” I murmured, as my fingers traced along the hem of her bra. I cupped my hands over her tits and squeezed them tightly as my thumb trailed over her nipple – feeling it harden beneath my touch. “You’re fucking perfect.”

Her head flung back as I continued to tease her nipples, now thick and hard beneath the lace – pressing against my thumb as I moved my mouth toward them. This was the moment I was aching for.

My mouth locked down on her tit, my tongue lapping at the creamy white flesh, just above her bra. I plunged my tongue beneath the fabric, trailing over her nipple – feeling the tight nub beneath the lace. She moaned at the feeling as her body bucked toward my face.

Feeling like a kid at Christmas, my hands pulled quickly at the lace, forcing the heavy mounds to spill over the top of the fabric and pressed her nipples just out of view. I could see the deep pink at the seam of her bra, begging to be released – puckering against the hardness of her swollen nubs and brought my mouth down on the first one again.

This time, I grazed my teeth against her nipple as my tongue swirled over the entire areola. Her body shivered in acceptance. Her hands moved back up once more, this time, pulling her breasts out of the bra completely – allowing me to see her entire chest unrestricted.  Her chest was heavy and full that caused them to sag slightly – but still sat perfectly at attention out of her bra.

Her nipples puffed out slightly and hardened with thick, hard nipples poking perfectly at attention. I felt my balls harden again, this time, wanting to explode my milky white cum all over her tits.

“Mr. Jacobs,“ Stacey began, her hands grabbing at my tie as I moved my mouth over the first mound and toward her second tit that was waiting to be played with. “I want to see you. I’ve never seen a cock before.”

My eyes shifted down toward my pants, my balls tight with anticipation and readiness to show her everything she wanted to see. I wasn’t sure how this entire working relationship was going to work out, but I knew that more than anything, I needed to have Stacey around. I also knew that I was going to show Stacey what she needed to see – before someone else got the opportunity.

* * *

When I got up that morning, it was never my idea that I’d be sitting here with my newly hired assistant naked on my desk – begging me to show her my cock. In fact, I had never really thought about hiring a secretary. I looked down at the beautiful blonde who was now staring intently at the bulge in my pants.

I had just hired Stacey not even an hour ago and she was currently sitting with her skirt hiked around her waist, panties on the floor and tits spilling out the top of her pretty blue lace bra. I couldn’t take my eyes off her sweet puffy nipples that were still hard as shit from my tongue lapping at them.

Today was Stacey’s eighteenth birthday and she had already confessed that she had never seen a cock in person before – obviously still inexperienced from her days in college. I looked down at Stacey again who was staring up at me with her big green eyes and juicy, plump mouth.

“Please, Mr. Jacobs, I’ve never seen one.“ She begged, her lip pouting out further than I thought possible. I ran my hands through my hair and considered her request. My cock pulsed in agreement, eager to get out and into her tight pussy, but I had to work this very slowly if I was going to be successful.

“I don’t know, Stacey, I’m your fucking boss.” I began, my voice wavering against the urge to just whip it out and ram it down her throat. I moved toward her again, rubbing her nipples against my thumb again. Her body quivered under the touch.

“But it’s my birthday, Mr. Jacobs.” She started, her eyes focused on my bulge as her hands reached for my thighs. I tried not to spew in my pants just thinking about her touching my dick. “Why don’t I just start moving my hands upward, and you tell me when to stop. Okay?”

Slowly she began moving her hands upward over my thighs, toward the front of my zipper. Her hands shook as she fumbled with my belt – obviously excited and full of nerves. I moaned lightly as her hand skimmed over my rock-hard shaft while fumbling, knowing I wouldn’t be able to stop her if she wanted to have any part of me.

Her hands undid the belt after a few attempts and she pulled it out of the belt loops. I watched as her face moved closer to my groin, her grasp pulling my body towards her on the desk. I stepped forward and watched her slowly undo my zipper. I felt my shaft spring forward, able to shift and move with the new freedom.

“Can you pull it out for me, Mr. Jacobs?” she asked, her hands skimming over the tight boxers. I moaned loudly as she squeezed my cock running her finger over the hardness to the soft tip near my belly button.

I reached down and undid my pants button, trying to control the pulsing coming from my balls. I needed to get off on her fucking tits and there was nothing I could do to stop it now. Slowly I started pulling down my boxers, feeling my cock spring up into the air as the elastic released it. I watched as her eyes grew wide, obviously not sure with what to do with it.

“Wow! It’s so thick!” Stacey proclaimed, trying to wrap her hand around the base of the shaft with her small fingers. She couldn’t quite reach the entire way around and squeezed down hard – sending another wave of excitement through my body.

“Jesus, Stacey, you are so fucking sexy,” I stated my voice no higher than a whisper. I watched as she moved her hands up and down my shaft slowly, her mouth moving closer to my thick mushroom head. I pushed her hair back out of the way, cupping the entire back of her head with my hands.  Her hands clamped down tighter now, as she started pumping at my cock with her hands.

Her mouth sat on the tip of my cock, blowing hot, moist air against the sensitive tip. I moaned loudly, as her fingers continued to pump at my shaft. I knew I wasn’t going to last long if she didn’t slow down. I watched as her eyes glanced up at me, before parting her lips and connecting with my shaft.

She trailed her tongue down the side of my hardness, covering my entire cock in wet, sloppy kisses. Her mouth stopped as it reached the tip, parting her lips and sucking in the head intently. I watched as my cock slowly began disappearing down her throat; my hands grabbing tightly at her blonde curls as she pushed my dick deeper into her throat.

She pulled my cock out slowly, lapping at the pre-cum that had formed at the tip – her eyes eagerly staring up at me as she licked and sucked. I pushed my cock back deep into her throat, watching as she gagged slightly at the entire rod at the back of her throat.

“Just relax, Stacey,” I began, grabbing her hair tightly and pulling back out. She nodded gently, her mouth open and ready for me to ram my cock back in. Grabbing the back of her head I quickly shoved my cock in, her mouth clamping tightly as it swirled over my head.  Again I pulled out and plowed back into her – loving the feeling of my dick pressed at the back of her throat.

I felt my balls tighten again, this time getting close to spewing cum everywhere. I needed to get off – but I had to tell Stacey. “Stacey, I’m going to cum soon,” I said, ramming my cock back into her mouth hard. She grabbed my shaft as I pulled out and began stroking it intently, as she laid back slightly on the desk. I followed her lead as she started pumping my dick as fast as she could.

I couldn’t help it as waves of ecstasy poured through my body. I felt the pulsing start deep within my balls and watched as I shot a load of thick, white cum through the air and on Stacey’s gorgeous tits. She continued pumping my cock as another ripple of cum shot through me. This time, she pointed my cock upwards, hitting her directly on the face as she smiled at the feeling.

I bent over toward her, unable to stand up any longer. I watched as her fingers released my cock and moved upward toward her face. She scooped some of the milky white goo off her eyebrow and sucked it deep into her mouth.

* * *

“You taste amazing, Mr. Jacobs.” Her eyes flashed bright green again, as her hands trailed over her tits – using my cum to slide over her hardened nipples. “I’m so fucking horny though.” She started twirling her nipples between her finger as her legs flopped open on the desk, showing the wet, dripping lips beneath her slit.

My hands pushed her body back on the desk, watching as she sprawled her legs over the edges obediently. I grabbed her body and pulled her toward the edge of the desk, pushing her pussy into my face as she moved.

My mouth lapped up the juices pooling between her slit, my tongue trailing over the top of her mound toward her ass. My hands grabbed her ass cheeks as I pushed my face deep within her slit, finding her clit and sucking it into my mouth. I twirled my tongue over her hardening pearl as Stacey began to moan in anticipation. Gently, I pushed my finger toward her tight hole – feeling the wetness with my finger before pushing it into her quickly.

She yelped momentarily as she grew accustomed to my finger inside her – I started getting hard again as her pussy clamped down tightly against my finger. I pushed my finger into her, reaching her g-spot as I rubbed. Her body began to shudder as my tongue continued to lap at her clit.

“Holy Shit. Mr. Jacobs…” she panted, her pussy clamping down even harder. I knew I had to fuck her today – even if that meant losing my job. I pulled my finger out slowly, as she begged for me to push it back in. I pushed a second finger into her pussy, feeling it slowly stretch to accommodate my fingers as I moved.

My free hands reached for her nipple, pinching it and playing with it with my fingers – my cock now almost completely hard as I tasted her sweet nectar. I pulled my fingers back out and lifted my head out from her sweet lips, my body aching to fuck her.

Stacey looked up at me intently, her face now red and flushed from being so close to getting off. Her fingers found their way to her pussy and began playing with her soft lips as she waited for me to get completely hard. I could see a pool of juices forming in her slightly stretched hole, begging to be fucked.

“Have you seriously never done this?” I asked, my eyes focused on her lips that hung slightly beneath her slit. She shook her head no as her fingers pushed deep into her pussy. I couldn’t believe I had a naked eighteen-year-old fingering and playing with herself on my desk. I watched her continue to pound her fingers into her hole as my cock grew hard.

She sat up for a moment as she grabbed at my tie, pulling me back on to her. My cock tapped against her smooth mound as her tongue pushed into my mouth. I could feel her juices pouring over my dick – sending my balls pulsing.

“I want you to fuck me so bad, Mr. Jacobs.” She purred her fingers finding their way around my shaft and tapping it against her clit lightly. I moaned out again, imagining her tight, virgin pussy wrapped around my cock. I nodded again, feeling my head lining up with her tight hole.

She spread her legs wide to accommodate my body, and I tried to push my cock into her hole. I moaned as it pressed against the tight hole, unable to get in.

“Stacey, you need to turn over – I can’t push it in this way. Let me fuck you from behind.” I begged, grabbing her hips as my hands kneaded her ass. Stacey turned over, lifting her ass into the air and displaying her wet pussy just inches from my cock.

Again, I lined my cock up against her hole, wrapping my hands around her hips for support. I pressed my head against her hole and tried not to explode as I pushed it into the tightest pussy I’ve ever felt. Her hands feverishly began playing with her clit as I tried to ram my cock deep into her.

“Listen, it’s going to be a little uncomfortable at first, okay?” I began, feeling my head push into her pussy. She nodded quietly as I pushed harder into her hole. Quickly, I rammed my cock deep into her tight walls, feeling her stretch to try and make room for my thick shaft. She yelped momentarily as she continued to play with her clit.

When she seemed more comfortable, I pulled my cock back out slowly and slammed into her tight pussy again. Stacey moaned loudly as her tits began to jiggle under the rhythm. I could tell she was starting to enjoy it as her pussy clamped down on my cock deep inside her.

Without thinking, I grabbed her blonde hair and pulled her head back, securing her into the position that I needed – watching my cock disappear into the bright pink – watching her fluffy lips tightly seal around my shaft. My hand came down on her ass with a hard smack as her body began to shake under the pressure of fucking.

“Oh my god. Mr. Jacobs,” she cried, her body now arching into my cock – meeting my dick with each thrust, “I think—“ she began, feeling the tightness around my dick get even more intense. Holy shit – she was about to cum. I started thrusting into her as fast as I possibly could. Fucking her – Stacey, this eighteen-year-old virgin on my dining room desk – as her pussy started pulsing with my cock in her.

Loud moans escaped her mouth as she began panting. She tried to stop moving, but my hands still clamped down on her hair, keeping her in position – allowing me to keep fucking her until I was ready to explode.

Her tits bounced quickly against the table, as her pussy began to drip and swell. I could tell she was starting to squirt – feeling the liquid trickling over my balls as I continued to pound into her tight pussy. I could feel the familiar tightness forming in my balls and knew I was going to cum any minute.

“Stacey, I’m going to cum – “ I began, thrusting my cock deep into her as fast and hard as I could. “Where—“ I stammered, “—where do you want me to do it?” Her pussy clamped down on my cock again as her hips pushed into my cock.

“I want to feel you cum inside me…” she purred, her head still locked back from my hands in her hair. Hearing her beg for my load was enough to set me off – my cock started pulsing deep within her pussy – shooting off inside her. I smacked her ass again as the rest of my cum shot inside her – emptying and draining me completely.

I looked down as I pulled my cock out, still amazed by how tight her hole was – watching the stretched, milky hole drip out our juices. I watched as some milky white cum start to pool out and used my fingers to catch it and push it back within her.  Her pussy was stretched now, having just received the first fuck of her life, but it was definitely something I needed to do regularly. I watched as she rolled over and looked up at me innocently.

“Mr. Jacobs,“ Stacey began, her tits still heaving from being fucked – her nipples were still hard and swollen, “that was amazing.” I reached for my pants and pulled them back on to my hips. I knew this interview was done, but I was definitely not ready to finish with her indefinitely.

“I suppose, Stacey,“ I stated, trying to adjust my tie as I moved back to watch the cum pool slightly on my desk, “this needs to be one of your duties and tasks?” I smiled as I watched her play with her clit gently, her eyes still fixated on my cock.

“I think tomorrow; you should show up around seven-thirty.” I began, my eyes still watching her tits heave. They were possibly the best tits I had ever seen. “But from now on, I think that your uniform should consist of no panties – in case the mood to fuck your tight pussy strikes me. Is that clear?”

Stacey smiled knowingly and bit her lip again. “Of course, Mr. Jacobs. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She stood up quickly and pulled down her skirt, smoothing it with her fingers. She pulled her tits back into her bra and pushed her shirt back down, concealing her body from the fucking she had just had.

She reached down and grabbed the panties she had pulled off earlier, walking toward me as she did. In a quick motion, she pushed the panties deep into my pocket and turned toward the door. I smiled as I watched her ass sway in the skirt, remembering how good it felt to see it high in the air on my desk.

“Mr. Jacobs,” she purred, her voice slightly husky from moaning so loudly. “My friend Maggie would really love a job too.“ Her eyes shifted toward my cock again. “I know she’s a virgin who’s dying to make her boss happy. Maybe I should tell her to come by tomorrow with me?”

I smiled thinking of two tight-assed virgins getting plowed on my desk and nodded in approval.

“Stacey, I’d love to consider Maggie for a job. Remember, no panties.”

I just need to figure out how to explain two hot teen assistants to my wife…

Stacey wasn’t joking. The next day, she showed up with her virgin friend Maggie…

About the author

Ballz Magazine